Volunteers pay it forward at memorial service for CHP Officer Andrew Camilleri
As friends, family, and members of the community celebrated the life of fallen CHP Officer Andrew Camilleri, a group of volunteers demonstrated their support for Camilleri’s family and law enforcement officers by leaving snacks and water at their vehicles.

As friends, family, and members of the community celebrated the life of fallen CHP Officer Andrew Camilleri, a group of volunteers demonstrated their support for Camilleri’s family and law enforcement officers by leaving snacks and water at their vehicles.
“It’s a very long day for law enforcement – with coming here early to the church, and then with the procession – it’s usually a 10-12 hour day for them. There’s not much time to stop and grab a bite to eat or a bottle of water, so we leave snack bags for them,” said End of Watch Board President, Erin Montgomery.
End of Watch is a non-profit organization, based in Elk Grove, that dedicates their time to help families of fallen officers, as well as law enforcement employees, during times of tragedy.
The volunteers passed out more than 2,000 snack bags, with a message written on them that said, “Standing with you while honoring the life and service of Officer Andrew Camilleri. We will never forget.” Kristen Millard and her son were two of the volunteers who helped distribute the bags at Christian Life Center in Stockton Saturday morning. “To teach your kids to do the right things for the right reasons, and respect law enforcement is number one for me,” Millard explains.
That act of kindness is one officer Jonathan Adkins, a CHP Officer from Santa Rosa, says meant a lot to him and his colleagues during times like these.
"I’ve just been impressed with the support from the community – all along the route – just pausing to observe and take a moment to show their respect – it’s just impressive," adds Adkins.