Delta Speedway to honor Law Enforcement Officers
Delta Speedway to hold Second Annual Law Enforcement appreciation night at the Delta Speedway Race Track.
STOCKTON, CA (July 29, 2017) -- Delta Speedway will honor Law Enforcement officers with their second annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Night at Delta Speedway, the 1/7 mile dirt oval at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, in Stockton on Saturday, July 29, 2017. All Law Enforcement Officers are invited to attend. This year’s race will include a presentation to the Stockton Police Department, a memorial lap flying the “Thin Blue Line” flag, and the Stockton Police Department Auxiliary presentation of colors.
“We have always respected law enforcement personnel and the difficult jobs they have. The fact that they go to work each day, putting their lives on the line and putting our safety and their communities first, above all else. In this current world in which we live, we would love to honor and support the fine men and women in law enforcement each and every day at Delta Speedway. But, if we can at least show our appreciation for the Stockton PD and other local law enforcement agencies and first responders by having this special Law Enforcement Appreciation Night once a year at the track, then we feel it is our way of letting them know how grateful we truly are!” -Bob and Tiffanie Panella, Delta Speedway Promoters.
Racing will begin at 6:00pm at Delta Speedway, located at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, 1658 S Airport Way, Stockton, CA 95206. All officers will receive complimentary entry and will be invited to the infield as a tribute, with a memorial lap flying the "Thin Blue Line" flag. All attendees are encouraged to wear blue in support of law enforcement everywhere. For more information please visit or email
Blue Angel of Hope will be present selling TBL merchandise to raise funds to support their non-profit organization. Come out and show your support.