Meet Amy Alex
A little about myself. My name is Amy and I live in South Florida. I am a widow to an Officer, Sean Alex who passed away at the age of 42 on January 7, 2016 from Lymphoma Cancer. He was an amazing LEO who worked for a few different agencies in his 15 years and ended his watch with the Palm Beach County School District Police Department. Whether you lose someone to cancer or a gun shot, the pain is there. What really helped me was my Blue family! They continue to check up on me and make sure that I am okay, even two years after his death. I will forever be grateful and blessed, and want to continue to pay it forward to all who dedicate and sacrifice their lives for myself and for all of the citizens they protect every day. To be able to be a Blue Angel is not only an honor but a dedication of hope to OUR Blue Family that WE are here for YOU and You are not alone!